Reich exposes economic myths. That’s too kind. They are lies.

Reich exposes the bullshit perpetuated by corporatists and their shills in just 2 minutes and 30 seconds.

Now what? What can we do about it?

Start by sharing this video as a way of informing people.

Next, be forceful and assertive in confronting the lies and the abject lack of humanity at the core of perverse ideologies like Objectivism and theories like trickle-down economics.

Finally, be more politically active. Call your elected officials. Tell them what you want from them, and tell them you’ll be voting. As corrupt as our system is, they still can’t get into office – or stay there – without our votes.

Author: Peaceful Patriot

Proud middle class husband, father, and progressive liberal. Was registered Non-Partisan my entire adult life before registering as a Democrat in order to vote for Bernie Sanders in the 2016 closed primary. Staying registered as a Democrat in order to be part of the changes the Party needs instead of whining about it from the outside. See Republicans as devoid of moral standing, intellect, and credibility now that they've embraced and continue to support the human filth that is Trump. Libertarians are only slightly better. Objectivism is the epitome of greed and selfishness, and believers show a degree of intellectual and moral bankruptcy that can only be appreciated by someone who is proud of their lack of empathy. An atheist who doesn't care what you believe so long as you stop pretending the Founding Fathers intended for you to legislatively force your Christian beliefs on everyone else.

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