How is it possible that I agree with Goldwater while today’s conservatives don’t?

I realize that this will make some people uncomfortable and perhaps even angry.

It needs to be talked about.


Every thinking person regardless of political persuasion, party affiliation, or religious leaning knows (or should know) the following to be true.

Religion has no place in our politics.

The Founders enshrined that ideal into the Constitution.

Today, there is one and only one party ignoring this. One.

The Republican Party.

Goldwater warned us about American Evangelicals usurping the GOP. They have spent the last 5 decades convincing American conservatives that somehow Christians are being persecuted and discriminated against in America.

That, of course, is nonsense.

Now we have Republican presidential hopeful, Ben Carson, openly talking about how Muslims should be excluded from the presidency while The Donald openly mocks Carson for his Seventh Day Adventism.

Even *some* at Fox News get this. (Most, for sure, do NOT!)

This is why I firmly believe that today’s Republicans – both the politicians and those Evangelical Americans who support them – must be called to account publicly for wanting to violate a fundamental aspect of our democracy.

I never thought I’d say it, but I agree with what Goldwater said on this issue and with this passage in particular:

“I am warning them today: I will fight them every step of the way if they try to dictate their moral convictions to all Americans in the name of ‘conservatism.'”

Wouldn’t it be great if Republicans everywhere took the same stance as Goldwater?

Imagine that.

Me, a dyed-in-the-wool liberal yearning for a Goldwater Republican.

Author: Peaceful Patriot

Proud middle class husband, father, and progressive liberal. Was registered Non-Partisan my entire adult life before registering as a Democrat in order to vote for Bernie Sanders in the 2016 closed primary. Staying registered as a Democrat in order to be part of the changes the Party needs instead of whining about it from the outside. See Republicans as devoid of moral standing, intellect, and credibility now that they've embraced and continue to support the human filth that is Trump. Libertarians are only slightly better. Objectivism is the epitome of greed and selfishness, and believers show a degree of intellectual and moral bankruptcy that can only be appreciated by someone who is proud of their lack of empathy. An atheist who doesn't care what you believe so long as you stop pretending the Founding Fathers intended for you to legislatively force your Christian beliefs on everyone else.

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